Our History
Our History
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Third Grade Students
Third Grade Students
First Grade Students
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten Students

Our Nicaraguan staff members are CO-MISSIONARIES with us. We would never be able to reach the mission and vision for the school without them. They are a dedicated staff that not only educates our students, but also provides them with a loving, safe, and secure learning environment where the gospel is shared daily. All of our staff, from school director to security guard, must profess a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and are expected to be active members of their home church. Our teachers and staff include daughters of a local pastor, youth ministers, Sunday school teachers, worship leader, and individuals dedicated to pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ. We are privileged to work with such exceptional individuals, and strive to find ways to invest in them as they invest in and minister to our students.
"A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops."–Henry Adams

Lisseth Rivera
National Director
Directora Lisseth Rivrera joined us as National Director in 2020. She has been teaching for 9 years with experience in both public and private school. She is excited for the new challenge of serving as Director of our school.

Paula Maleaño Mora
Administrative Coordinator
Administrative Coordinator Paula Maleaño Mora also joined us as full-time staff in the 2020 school year. Paula previously served as our PTA President and impressed us so much we decided to hire her.

Valentín Barahona
Profesor Valentin Barahona lives in the city of Granada and is our ESL teacher for all grade levels. He also leads worship at Iglesia Cristiana El Puente and assists with the GCEC sports ministry outreach.

Profesora Evelyng

Profesora Verónica

Profesora Yeskania
First Grade

Profesora Yesenia
Second Grade

Profesora María
Third Grade

Profesora Katia
Fourth Grade

Profesora Ernestina
Fifth Grade

Projected 2022
Sixth Grade
This position is projected to be filled in the 2022 school year

Pastor Manfredo Flores
Pastor Manfredo leads our student chapel program. He has been serving in this capacity on a volunteer basis for the last three years, with a strong desire to increase our student's biblical literacy and commitment to Jesus.

Charles and Sarah Kaye, Founders & Executive Directors
Charles and Sarah Kaye moved to Granada, Nicaragua from Charlottesville, Virginia in September 2006. Before entering missions, they both worked in finance and investments in Charlottesville and New York, where they met and married in 1996. Their work in Granada is based around the El Puente Mission Base and the Granada Christian Education Center, both of which they founded after clearly following God's direction in their lives. They have two adult children living in the states. Charles and Sarah currently split their residence and ministry commitment between Charlottesville, VA and Nicaragua. Their ministry work in the US is strategically focused on meeting the varied, ongoing needs of the work in Nicaragua., managing the programs in Granada and building out the school over the next several years. They hope to leverage the vast amount of experience and relationships they have gained over the last 12 years serving on the ground as full-time missionaries to expand our strategic partnerships with churches, schools, universities, businesses, and others.

Ryan and Adriana Brooks, International Program Directors
Ryan and Adriana Brooks moved to Granada, Nicaragua from Tucson, Arizona in August 2015. Before entering missions, Ryan worked in business and sales management, while Adriana worked as a speech-language pathologist; both served in lay ministry for many years before serving as missionaries. Their ministry in Granada is based around the Granada Christian Education Center, with Adriana's work focused on the school and Ryan's on the sports ministry program. They are parents to 17-year-old triplets. As of August 2019, the Brooks make New Albany, MS their home while their children finish high school. They continue as full-time missionaries, with the US as a home ministry base and Nicaragua as their country of service. In full collaboration with the Kayes, their ministry in the states focuses on serving the needs of the work in Nicaragua, traveling to and from several times a year. They feel a special calling to develop, manage, and grow programs that will improve the long-term sustainability of the school, such as our newly released sponsorship program.